Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What to Look for when Choosing Off Campus Housing

Living off campus comes with quite a number of advantages as compared to living on campus. However, it all depends on whether you choose the right place to live. The following are some of the things you should be on the lookout for when choosing accommodation off of campus.

Well-maintained student housing
You should always go for well-maintained housing units. Some student housing are notorious for being poorly maintained and students have ended up living in damp, mould and pest infested accommodation simply because they did not make the right decision when choosing where to live. Always be on the lookout for telltale signs like creaky stairs, damp walls with paint peeling off or simply a rat scurrying across the room! Luckily, there are a few student-housing units that practice good maintenance and service delivery and these are the best to stay at.

Location is everything
As a student, you do not want to start a 40-minute commute routine every time you need to get to campus early in the morning. Public transport may be unreliable and buying a car is a whole different expense. Choose housing near the campus, preferably a maximum of a 15-minute walking distance so you can get to campus quickly without needing to catch a cab or get a bus. You also need to consider how close you are to other resources like hospitals, malls and newsagents among others. Avoid getting drawn to locations where majority of other students live just to be close to the party center when you could be giving up something better at another location.

Safety and security
The importance of safety and security cannot be stressed enough for a student living off campus. Worrying student crime statistics are often published by the police every year. If you do not want to be a victim of crime, you should be wary of the kind of environment you choose to live in. You should make sure the area you choose to live in has enough security measures in place. These include security lights, neighborhood watch or police patrol, burglar systems, safety locks on doors and windows.  Some of the best neighborhoods to live in are those near well-lit main roads so you can get home safely even late at night.

Another important safety features to be on the lookout for is whether the building has working fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and fire alarms as well as emergency exists in case of fire hazards.

Kitchen appliances
Kitchen appliances can be quite costly. Find out if the accommodation offers kitchen appliances as part of the tenancy and these appliances should be in working order. If you are going to share the apartment with other students, bear in mind the size of the appliance to the number of people. One fridge between five or six students may be too small.

Furnishings and fittings
Furnishings and fittings are also something else that could be included in the tenancy package to save you a lot of money. A bed, couch and a study table is a good place to start when it comes to furnishings. These may be all you need to push you through your entire time in campus.

Posted By: Athens Commons  http://athenscommons.com